June 20, 2019
Nothing like changing out old dingy electric outlets and covers to brighten up the walls of your newly painted kitchen.
June 20, 2019
Nothing like changing out old dingy electric outlets and covers to brighten up the walls of your newly painted kitchen.
May 4, 2019
When you go to CVS to get supplies worth $100 and apply deals along with $30 worth of coupons, the lady behind me in checkout line says teach me! Lol
April 14, 2019
Michael wanted to fix the cracks of our cement bird bath. Ok, why does it have a blue bottom? Because he wanted to bring a little bit of Florida waters to New England for our birds. Lol
Around the world, everyone is wondering how they will begin 2018. They will reflect on all of their past resolutions that never happened, the 2017 elections, constant media of natural disasters, child neglect, animal abuse and much more.
For me, I try to focus new goals, look on how I can reduce my anxiety in my own mind and home along with giving back to my community even more. Here are a few things that I do to start my new year that might help you turn things around and begin this 2018 with a bang.
Let me know how you start your new year. Please feel free to email or comment below.
Who would love a glass of good ol’ sweet tea? Well, if you asked this question in the South, it would be a resounding YES! However in Massachusetts, they would look at you like you had two heads.
History of sweet tea goes as far back as the late 1700s. South Carolina was known for being the only state to produce the tea commercially. In the 1800s when ice boxes were common, the idea of creating different kinds of tea and tea punches were published in a variety of community cookbooks.
By the 20th century, tea being served cold was common place. Why?… It is hotter than hell in the South and during the American Prohibition, it was a good alternative to illegal alcohol. Many well-known cookbooks, like Southern Cooking by Henrietta Dull, set the standard on how it was to be made. All ladies of society had this book and did their best to follow her recipe to a tee.
One of the biggest don’ts in preparing tea was that milk was never to be served with it. Well, darn, if New Englanders can have medium, regular ice coffee, why can’t Southerners have medium iced tea with milk?
If you want to try my recipe for the two types of traditional teas, Ice Tea and Sweet Tea, the recipe is the same but the only difference between the two is SUGAR.
Traditional Ice Tea and Sweet Tea Recipe
Do you have a favorite tea recipe that was passed down to you? Please let me know and as always, thanks for stopping by.
Dear Ms. Deborah,
I am in my 30s and make enough to live comfortably but there is one thing that I am not very good at, paying my bills on time. My wife and I get into huge arguments because it can and will affect our credit rating down the road when we want to buy a house. Can you provide me with some tips?
Procrastinating Husband
Dear Procrastinating Husband,
Bill paying is very important because it does increase your credit score and enables you to get better interest rates on future loans. So how can you start paying bills on time? It starts with both you and your wife working as a team and creating that habit together.
My suggestions that may help you stay on top of your bills are as follows:
Paying bills on time reduces stress and a happy wife is a happy life! I hope this helps. Thanks for stopping by.
The dreaded stack of mail that comes in our box can be overwhelming at times. With that said, here are few steps that I do that eliminates unwanted mail while organizing those few bills that do arrive the old fashion way, via the Postmaster.