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A Mother’s Christmas Wish

December 7, 2017

Christmas is right around the corner. It’s such a wonderful time filled with traditions and family, but not for everyone – every year. See, Christmas and other holidays are hard for many people including myself. My son lives far away and this, along with many other things, have caused a disconnection.

Each year, I try working through the sadness by being a Secret Santa for a family in need, gift buying for my Chihuahuas and something small for my husband. My true wish is to have the one thing that isn’t in the cards right now; my son home for Christmas. I would love to hear his voice and reminisce about all the skateboarding, playing video games and good times that we had with each other.

For now, my wish is peace on earth, peace for others and hopefully, for me, peace within. As the song says, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”  For this Christmas and for each day after, I wish for peace within your mind, body and spirit but, most importantly, within your heart.

My Christmas Wish For You

My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace
Days filled with warmth and sun

 I wish you love and friendship too
Throughout the coming year
Lots of laughter and happiness
To fill your world with cheer

 May you count your blessings, one by one
And when totaled by the lot
May you find all you’ve been given
To be more than what you sought

 May your journeys be short, your burdens light
May your spirit never grow old
May all your clouds have silver linings
And your rainbows pots of gold

 I wish this all and so much more
May all your dreams come true
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too.

-author unknown


Merry Christmas!


My World of Blogging and More

November 4, 2017

First of all, who would’ve ever thought that I would be trying this thing called blogging. Reaching into the depths of my soul and sharing my thoughts, tips and tricks of dog training, Southern advice and of course, my many adventures with the loves of my life, Meg and Virginia.

The things that I have learned from starting this blog is that opening up into the social media world is extremely hard for a private, Southern girl but exciting all the same. It does take time to create articles that are fun, inviting, uplifting and that inspire thought provoking conversations.

I have been out of the corporate world for 8 months. Being a Stay at Home Chihuahua Mom/Blogger has allowed me to pick and choose my schedule, projects such as personal/corporate service jobs and volunteering and for that, I am grateful. The downside is that there are some days that I have a very hard time motivating myself.  A lot of things crept into my world and distracted me lately. These distractions made me lose focus of what was important, me!  With that said, I have created new goals for myself and I inspire you, my viewers, to do the same.

Health & Fitness

Of course, the most important goal is to take care of myself. Fitness has been the one thing that has been consistent during my life hiccup. I take pride in working out or going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week. However, I have lost about 7 pounds because of stress and now, it’s time to gain the healthy fluff back. It is important to track my food and ensure that I am getting all the necessary nutrients to fuel my body and grow those muscles. Additionally, I will be working with my trainer to set new personal record goals and track my progress.


I truly want to share new thoughts, advice, my rescue spotlights and more at least 3 times a week. I always say, never over promise and under deliver. Again, it’s a goal and well, I will do my darndest to make it happen.

Personal/Corporate Services

I truly love mixing up my day or weeks with creative projects. I am lucky enough to have connections with a variety of people that have been very kind to throw fun and challenging projects my way. It is my goal to reach out a little more and make a little more fun money too.


I am very honored and privileged to be a hospice volunteer. I have done many vigils and got to know some beautiful people this year. It is my goal to connect with other volunteers or resource groups to share my stories of loss and find other ways to give back to my community.

In Closing..

I love being a Stay at Home Chihuahua Mom/Blogger. I am truly grateful for this opportunity. When any hiccups comes my way, I am proud to say that I have such amazing group of people in my life that provide such a support system that I can’t fail.  So, thank you for hanging around while I figure out my new adventure.

Do you have any tips and tricks that keep you motivated? I would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts by commenting below or via email. I would love to hear from you.

Lifestyle Random Acts of Kindness

A Little Halloween Fun

October 19, 2017

Halloween is one the most enjoyable days of the year for me. Here lately, I have become so intrigued with Disney female characters that I have chosen one each year to try to recreate and put a smile on my face but on others as well. Mary Poppins was one of my favorites but this year, it has to be Snow White.

I started earlier in the year cruising the websites for the perfect Snow White costume. I purchased this particular costume off of Amazon. Knowing that I did not have the short black hair and not any wig would do, I hit the internet again to find creative ideas or vendors that might have the perfect solution. Etsy was one of many sites that I hit and well, it is starting to become my go to site for accessories that are unique and hard to find.

When my costume came in, I was so thrilled. At the time I ordered it, I was concerned about the sizing. I use to be 100% spot on with regards to guessing my sizes with garments and costumes. Ever since I started fitness training four years ago, I noticed a lot of changes in my body.  I realized that I am no longer an X Small or Small any more. The muscles in my back have grown and filled out wonderfully which makes it hard to fit in some shirts now. I was truly keeping my fingers crossed that this lovely costume would fit!  As I carefully placed it over my head, I did notice it was a little snug around my latissimi dorsi muscles (lats) but overall, it was perfect.

As I swirled around and around in this costume, I kept looking at it as though it was missing something. Of course, it was missing a red antique brooch. I hit my favorite site again and searched vintage red brooches. It was perfect. As each accessory arrived, I would try everything on to make sure it all fit together. The last thing to do was makeup.

As you know, the trend nowadays is makeup. You have seen them. Spoon contouring, perfect eyebrows, and the perfect black cat eye are just a few that are show continuously on Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube. I truly thought that I would be a Pinterest fail. I truly underestimated myself. See, if I took my time, miracles can happen.

Now that the costume was all put together (hair, makeup and all), I shared a picture of myself in full costume with many close friends and my husband to see their reactions. It was a hit and the responses were so kind that I truly couldn’t stop smiling.

But wait, there was one more creative idea in the mist. Maleficient! I retraced all of my steps to create another Disney female character but can I be Maleficient? She does have a very stern face.  Come to find out, I can!

I look forward to sharing my many adventures as Snow White and Maleficent. Who knows, you might see me transform into another Disney character real soon.

What are you going to be for Halloween? Comment and share your costumes. I would love to hear from you.


Hospice Volunteer – My Story

October 5, 2017

A few years ago, I saw one of the friends post something about her visits as a hospice volunteer. I was so drawn to those moments that I would review her page often to see what she was up to next. She would bring her dog along for most of her visits to provide comfort and/or distractions during this difficult time. I was so impressed on how much she loved doing those little things for her patients.

I reached out to her to ask her a couple of questions. The wealth of knowledge that she provided me and how she felt about volunteering was so helpful that I reached out to the local hospice center to sign up for the next available volunteer course and orientation.

After graduating from the hospice volunteer course, I waited for my first assignment. My focus was nursing homes and patients with Alzheimer’s or Dementia.  It wasn’t long before I got that special person.

Every Thursday at 10:30 a.m., I would go see my girl, (MG*) MG smiled every time that she saw me. She would gladly point to my head when my bangs were not styled down on my forehead. It was almost like she told me that clipping them back was not an option. I shared books, music and my doll with her. Each moment, MG would show different sides of herself. From throwing out a cuss word while taking a stroll around the hospital to pointing a finger and telling me the gospel in a rambling session to sitting quietly by my side, I smiled because I truly felt that I got her.  Her smiles and laughter light up a room and truly warmed my heart.  Over time, she did regress. She slept more. Her speech soften. Even though I knew that my time would be limited, I was so honored and privileged to be a part of each of those visits.

Then one Thursday, I went to go see MG. I walked quietly to the community room and I knew. I looked in the Community Room Assistant’s eyes and nothing else needed to be said. I mouthed, “Thank you” and left just as quickly as I arrived. I sat in my car for a bit and reflected. Yes, it broke my heart but in the same breathe, I felt at peace because I was so honored to be a part of MG’s life. It was truly a gift.

If you are interested in volunteering in this type of setting, I highly recommend you connecting with your local hospice or palliative care service organization. There are so many ways to give from administrative support, bereavement duties, arts and music enrichment and more.

What has been your most rewarding experience? I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to email or comment below.

*Due to privacy, my patient will be noted as MG throughout my blog.

Health & Fitness Lifestyle

Fitness Journey – Making Time

August 31, 2017

I hear a lot of people ask me this question, “Where do you find the time?

Well, being a stay at home chihuahua mom and blogger, my schedule is very flexible. However, without judgement, I am curious if “no time” is an excuse for some negative experience, lack of motivation, poor body image or for me at times, fear of injury or being “watched” at the gym. I have always believed that if you truly want something; you would fight for it. You make the time and commitment.

Here are a few of my ways that I inspire myself to make fitness a part of my day, everyday.

  1. Plan, Plan and Plan Some More – I write out my schedule for the week. With technology today, I can set reminders on my Iphone and computer.
  2. Find a Partner/Friend – Although at times, I do like training by myself. Sometimes I need a buddy to inspire me to keep going and attain those goals. Cheerleaders are a must so grab a friend and take a fitness class, Zumba, run or weigh train together.
  3. Music – I have created a kick ass playlist to fight through a workout. Pandora and other phone applications have amazing stations to choose from as well. So, create that list to inspire you to cruise through that workout. You would be glad you did!
  4. Home Gym – I have created a small in-expensive gym with free weights, mats and DVDs. If a hiccup is thrown in my schedule and can’t hit the gym, I know that I can walk downstairs to my basement and get some type of work out in. Also, if you can’t afford a gym membership, this is a great alternative as well. It allows you to have a private area where you can move at your own pace and not feel pressured by others or causing yourself any injury.

Exercise is important on so many levels. Please take time out for yourself and improve your health; even if it is one step at a time. Do you have a tip on how to stick to a fitness schedule?  Please email me or comment below.  I would love to hear from ya.


Lifestyle Rescue Spotlight

Rescue Spotlight ~ Virginia

August 14, 2017

On August 4th, I received a text from one of my girls, Kayla about a Craigslist ad. It said Rehoming a Senior Chihuahua,(21 years old). Normally, I don’t respond to these ads, but I do forward them to local small dog rescues. I did forward it to one rescue but I was so taken in by the picture and the story.

Mind you, Craigslist can be a very scary place for animals and humans. With that said, I responded to the ad via text and email. The lady responded quickly and the conversation began. I was apprehension and scare but after each bit of information came to light and verified to be true (internet is a great tool, btw), I opened my heart more and more.

This is the one time that I think Craigslist did a good thing.  I was able to truly connect with the owner of this dog, who was rehoming her daughter’s dog because her work schedule didn’t allow her enough time to care for her, to feel comfortable enough to finally chose me. See, her daughter passed away 4 years ago. This dog is a reminder of her daughter,Kaylie and the bond they share for animal rescue. Even if I didn’t get her, I knew that I was meant to help her heal in some way. With the strength and love of this woman, she gave Virginia to me and I am internally grateful.

So, please welcome the newest addition to my family, Virginia Kaylie Cockrell-Duchemin.


Advice Column Lifestyle

Setting Personal Boundaries

August 4, 2017

Wait one cotton-picking minute!

In the South, this phrase has been known to be a polite, ice breaker in difficult conversations or when putting a stop to any nonsense which leads to my topic for today, setting personal boundaries.

I received an email from a viewer of my site that wanted advice on establishing boundaries. Well, I explained that I might not be the best person to advise her on this particular topic because I am still trying to master it, myself.

On my wedding day, I had the privilege to have a wonderful man raise a toast and give the sweetest, most inspirational speech about making deposits and not withdrawals in the marriage. I feel that this speech outlines everything you need to know in any relationship. See, deposits are being kind, thoughtful, understanding and expressing tenderness or gratitude in your marriage or relationship account. Withdrawals are checks of negativity, hurtfulness, infidelity and the list could go on. You never want a negative transaction to take over your marriage or relationship account, because it will overdraft or end it.

Over the years, I have experienced enough one-sided relationships that have taken a toll on me emotionally, physically and financially. Because of these experiences, I developed anxiety and experience many panic attacks with certain situations or individuals. With that said, developing and maintaining a healthy boundary and encircling yourself with like-minded people is vital for your health and well-being.

Here’s a few ways to start building a boundary…

  1. Put yourself first. It’s so important to know and understand what your limits are and to give yourself permission to think about yourself first. This action alone will make you a better wife, mother or friend.
  2. Direct and Clear Communication. Some people are pretty open to communication on boundaries and respect it. Others may give you a little push back. Boundaries are healthy and a sign of self-respect. You can’t own their response and must not feel guilty for communicating it.
  3. Seek Support. If you don’t know how to begin to develop a boundary, you might want to find a therapist, support group, church or good friends to give you some pointers on where to begin.

I hope my response provides some comfort and insight into building better boundaries and maintaining them. Thank you so much for connecting with me and feel free to email me anytime.

 “Your personal boundaries protect the inner core

of your identity and your right to choices.”

 ~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

Dog Training Lifestyle

5 Ways to Celebrate a Senior Dog!

July 25, 2017

I think that having a senior dog is Awesome! Not many people see the enjoyment that I get from adopting or owning a senior dog, but I am about to throw down some serious information on how to celebrate a senior!

  1. Enjoy the nap time schedule. You will feel well-rested.
  2. Take plenty of selfies. Your picture taking skills will improve a 100%.
  3. Go on special road trips. I thoroughly enjoy taking my Meg on road trips to Dunkin Donuts for a plain donut hole and ice coffee for me.
  4. Use them as a taste tester in your cooking lesson. Meg thoroughly enjoys tasting all the wonderful dishes that my husband prepares that doesn’t include any foods that upset her stomach or is harmful to her. (i.e. onions, raisins, chocolate, etc.)
  5. Do some online shopping together. Curl up on the couch with the IPad and shop for some new eye catching fashions for you and for them.

Now, there are so many more and the list could go on forever. Now it is your turn, tell me how you celebrate your senior dog. I look forward to hearing from ya.

Advice Column Lifestyle

When Friendships Come & Go

July 19, 2017

Friend (noun) – one attached to another by affection or esteem; one that is not hostile; one that is of the same nation, party or group; a favored companion. Merriam-Webster

I truly believe that our life is ever evolving. As one chapter closes, the opportunity to begin a new chapter is right around the corner. Over the past 30 years, I have come across some amazing people that, to this day, have left a lasting impression of genuine warmth, love and kindness. With that said, I have meant some people that I thought were my friends and have been the complete opposite; to the point of being painfully heart breaking. The reason for my heartbreak was because my expectations were set high and in there, lies the disappointment.

There are many reasons why friendships change or fade away.  Of course, change can be somewhat of a good thing or extremely painful but the only way to uncover your life’s new adventure is to experience it.

Two Many States Away

When you are no longer within a comfortable distance to get together, it can put a kink in your relationship. Those wonderful girl dates is what keeps the relationship fresh and bonded.

New Job, Marriage, Babies and More

Again, life is ever evolving. Friends have so many things to accomplish in their lives. Marriage, babies, promotions and all of this things will change the dynamic of a friendship. For some, it will unleash a wealth of emotions that are welcoming and then, there are those emotions that will challenge the friendship.

It’s one sided.

I have experienced the one-sided friendship. I stay connected by making calls, remembering birthdays/anniversaries, sending cards and letters, and for me, I was left feeling that I am the only one that is invested in this friendship.

“People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.” ~ Michelle Ventor

I try not to reflect on the pain of saying goodbye or ending a friendship, but reflect back on my many memories and the lessons that I have learned from each of them.

Today, it is safe to say that I have some very cool friends. I am very blessed to have such beautiful people in my life. Each of them brings kindness, honesty, warmth, safety, and challenge me to step outside my comfort zone. For those reasons and many more, I am so grateful.

“Some People come into our lives and quickly go.

 Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts,

 and we are never, ever the same.” ~ Flavia Weedn

Have you struggled with a change in your friendship? Have you been going through a rough patch or been ghosted and don’t know why? Please comment or send me an email. I would love to hear from you.

Health & Fitness Lifestyle

Fitness Journey – Before & After

May 30, 2017

Wow… While looking at this picture, I smile because I fought for every ounce of muscle on my body. It is hard for me to gain weight. I was just 92 lbs in the “before” picture and 105 lbs in the “after” picture. You are not going to believe this, but I am 112 lbs today!

Through this process, I learned how to gain healthy weight by doing it the correct way and all the while, having a balanced life with some fun food too.  I will be the first to tell you that it was NOT easy at all. It takes a lot of planning and commitment.

With all the so-called diets or food plans out there, I didn’t fit into any of those programs. I worked with my trainer to find the foods that worked best for my body and slowly incorporated them into my food plan. I tracked my food and slowly increased my intake of those key foods in a healthy way to work with my metabolism. Everyone’s metabolism is different, so it is best to find a trainer or nutritionist that is willing to understand your body and focus on your goals.

Remember you can’t out train a bad diet. For me, good nutrition and weight lifting is the key to being successful in gaining weight the correct way and building my fit body. I have tons of goals for this coming year. I am really excited to share my journey with you.

What are your fitness goals?  Have you accomplished something outside your comfort zone? I would love to hear from ya.