Monthly Archives

June 2017

Advice Column

Ask Ms. Deborah – Finding My Passion

June 30, 2017

Dear Ms. Deborah,

I am at a road block. I want so desperately to find a job that I’m passionate about. No matter how hard that I try, I can’t seem to find that one thing that drives me to get up every day and pays enough for me to live comfortably.  Do you have any ideas on how I can figure out my passion?


Extremely Confused


Merriam-Webster defines passion as “intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction”.

Everyday people are trying to figure “it” out. What is it that I want to do for the rest of my life? People are hanging in limbo focusing on trying to find that one thing they are passionate about and make them happy. Honestly, I think that many people go about finding their passion the wrong way.

Our minds can be our worse enemy by over analyzing everything. Well, even for me, a lot of time and energy is wasted with all of that mind trash.  I truly believe that people can have more than one calling and enjoy life to the fullest.

With that said, here are my suggestions on finding your passion:

  1. Mediate – Being still and quieting your mind can push aside all the noise, thoughts and emotions so you can open your heart to finding what truly makes your happy.
  2. Journal and write down a list of your skills – By writing a list of what you can do, you can find out what you hate and what you love. Note, you can do more than one thing. It’s better to have options. It keeps life interesting, because boring is out of the question.
  3. Let go of any fear – As you may know, fear can prevent you from accomplishing your goal. When you come to a moment of fear, write down everything about that fear on a piece of paper. Then write out a plan to overcome it. Taking steps, even baby steps, is moving forward!
  4. Be enthusiastic with everything you do – Being enthusiastic about everything you touch creates a wonderful habit and opens up opportunities. Nobody likes a whiny, oh poor me person hanging around them.
  5. Stop talking and start doing – Now that you have a plan, it is important to take the steps and don’t stop. That is where the passion comes in. When you have that “intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction”, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals.
  6. Not everyone will understand your vision – You don’t have to explain your dreams or justify your actions to anyone, because it is not their path. It is important to surround yourself with individuals that will help stay focused and push you towards your goals.

I hope this helps. Stay in touch and let me know how you are doing.

Random Acts of Kindness

Kindness Cards

June 21, 2017

When was the last time you received a card or letter?

It was probably on your birthday or special event, like an anniversary, wedding or graduation. I don’t know about you, but I love receiving handwritten notes from anyone.

With technology today, yeah, it is easier to just send an email or text, but, for me, it has so much more meaning to having a card or letter delivered via snail mail. It’s personal and something that you can hold onto forever!

So.. Let’s pay it forward together. As I am sitting here writing out my cards, I am asking for you do to the same.

  1. Pick a person. It can be a friend, co-worker or complete stranger.
  2. Pick a card, write a sweet note and ask that person to do the same.
  3. If you want, you can insert a stamped envelope and another card to help them out.
  4. Seal and mail.

This random acts of kindness warms my heart each and every time. I am positive that it will do the same for yours.   Please share your story of kindness by commenting below or private message me. I look forward to hearing from you.


“Nothing can make our lives, or the lives of other people, more beautiful than perpetual kindness”  ~ Tolstoy




Advice Column Dog Training

Ask Ms. Deborah – Dog Cues

June 20, 2017

Dear Ms. Deborah,

I am trying to teach my dog some commands. My husband says that I using the wrong words for what I am asking our dog to do. For example, I am using down to get off the furniture. My husband thinks that I should say “off”. In order to settle this argument, what are some of your words that you have used to train your dog?


Newbie at Dog Training

Dear Newbie,

One, I would like to say thank you for taking the time to work and bond with your dog. I think that it is awesome that you are setting your dog up for success by teaching him some manners. As far as words, it is whatever you want them to be. However, I will list some of the words that I use and why I use those particular ones.

  1. Off – I use this word to teach my dog to stay off me, furniture or anything that my dog is on.
  2. Down – I use this word to place my dog in a down position.
  3. Lay – This words means for my dog to lay on its side. I never use Lay or Down together.
  4. Show me – This cue means for my dog to roll over and show his stomach.
  5. Wait – This means wait for a minute. For example, I use this cue when I am at the top of the stairs and want to walk or bring something down without my dog knocking me over to get to the bottom of the stairs first. When I am at the bottom of the stairs, I will say my “release” word and he is free to come down the stairs.
  6. Stay – Stay means exactly that. If I place my dog in a stay position, he can’t move until I come back  to him to “release” him from that stay.
  7. Release – This word means to my dog that he is are all done with my request and free to do whatever he wants.

I hope this helps you and your husband. Let me know how your training sessions are going.  Please feel free to comment below or private message me.


Meg's Adventures Rescue Spotlight


June 9, 2017

What in the world has my Mom signed me up for now? That was the thought that ran through my mind when she brought a 7 month old puppy named, Cooper into our home. Seriously… I wasn’t in the mood to deal with that thing prancing around and getting into my hula hoop space.

As I was perched on the arm of my Queen’s chair, I watched as my Mom showed the foster lady around my palace for their “home inspection”. My Mom was showing where Cooper would stay and outline the schedule he would have tomorrow. Ugh!

I wanted to follow up with he won’t be on this couch, he won’t be eating my food and he will not be lying anywhere near my Mom.  However, my Mom is always crawling around in my head. I swear that I felt her pierce my soul and told me to knock it off.


Day 1

Let the beatings begin.  Well, I tried anyways and not two seconds into that moment, I was shot down by my lovely Momma. I had to establish that I am the Puppet Master. Yeah, I have only three teeth left but that homeboy doesn’t know it.

What was so weird? He didn’t move. Cooper just stared at me like I had three heads. I think he mumbled under his breath when he went to go lay down.

Well, I must have done something right, because I had the whole living room to myself.  As 8:30 p.m. came around, I was carried to the second floor and placed into my bed for a good night’s sleep.

Day 2

As my Mom picked me up and gave me kisses, I was saying, “Good Morning, Momma! I had a weird dream and you won’t believe it.” As we took our last steps off the stairs, my eyes bulged out of my head.  Darn it!  It’s him. The nightmare continues through today. As a Southern girl, I can’t state the words that were crawling through my mind. Let’s just say that May-O-naise, Tartar SAUCE and Sugar JETS were a few choice words that are Mom approved.

Ok, I get it. He is going to be around for a while. He’s being mindful of my space and well, I am getting lots of love and food for being nice. I just have to hold my ground. He will not gain access to my living room.

Day 3

What the heck?!?! MOM!!!! He is in the living room. Excuse me! This is unacceptable. Absolutely not! Mom has no idea that he is sniffing the floor.

Ok, I can’t stop this madness, but I can create another line that will NOT be crossed. I will maintain my couch! I will maintain my COUCH!

After a brief discussion and snuggle time with my Mom, I was told that I have a job to show Cooper the whole yard.  Of course, in order to do so, I must go in and out of the house door first. Well, duh, I am the Princess.

Day 4

Did Cooper just do a bum drive by?

Seriously, I think he did. Apparently, he wants his bum kicked!

I thought he was dumb as a box of rocks but apparently, he has been playing me. I am so upping my game. Nobody does a bum drive by and gets away with it.




Day 5

Oh MY GOD! He is on my couch. He is so lucky that I LOVE my Mom. The moment that my mom looks away is the moment that I take him out.

Apparently, there is a rumor going around that my friend, Stella might be interested in having a baby brother. Good, she can have him.

Cooper is apparently trying to spread lies that I want him. I do not want any such thing. I am a widow to a lovely brother/husband, Trevie. I miss him dearly and nothing will replace that annoying but lovable fella.

Day 6

Ok, I have given completely up on my quest to own anything in my house while this pain in the butt is visiting my home. My Mom is allowing him to run the roost. Seriously, she has lost all control. My resting witch face is screaming my frustration. I am getting food for his very presence so I can’t deny treats. It’s my downfall.  Plus, he is growing on me. He’s being polite and hasn’t gotten too much into my hula hoop space.

Day 7

Woohoo.. It is meet and greet time! Go Stella Go. Please, Please, Please keep your fingers crossed that this girl likes Cooper. I know Stella’s family likes him but, just like me, she decides who comes into her palace. It’s the Chihuahua way.

Day 8

Winner, Winner; Chicken Dinner! Cooper is going to his new home! Woohoo! Mom says it’s a perfect match. The plus side is that we can visit. What is this we stuff? I am not interested in visiting him. He still thinks that I want him. No, Thank you! I am not interested in a May/December relationship.

Day 9

It’s nice to walk the halls of my palatial estate with no other paws in my way. Mom and I do glance through the window to see Cooper, now named Elliott playing in his luscious backyard.  Elliott is being loved by some amazing people and a girl that gets him. For that, I am grateful.

Things that I learned through fostering all of the dogs including Elliott are:

  1. When I open up my castle, I give another dog a chance of having a happy home like mine.
  2. My mom always has my back and will never let anything happen to me.
  3.  It’s so important not to shop but adopt from a shelter.

Please do your part by donating money, time or your home.


Fostering helps give pets a second chance on life with a family.

Elliot in his new home.