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The Art of Gardening: Creating a Beautiful Outdoor Oasis

May 8, 2023

Gardening is often described as an art form that allows individuals to express their creativity while reconnecting with nature. The act of tending to plants, nurturing them and watching them flourish is a deeply satisfying and therapeutic experience. The rewards of gardening extend far beyond the visual appeal of a well-maintained garden. It’s about creating a tranquil outdoor oasis that provides numerous benefits to both the gardener and the environment. I just recently transformed my back patio into my oasis and I would like to share the joys and share some tips in creating a stunning oasis for the spring and summer months.

The Joys of Gardening

Gardening has been a beloved pastime for centuries and for many over the years. For me, I wasn’t interested in it until recently. I moved into my new home and the back yard was horrendous. My husband wanted to put tons of plants everywhere and all I could think about was I had one more thing to take care of and on top of everything else. Well, here’s the thing, it was growing on me. It slowly began to be inherently satisfying about getting my hands dirty and nurturing something.  Here are my joys of gardening:

Connection with Nature: Gardening allows you to connect with the natural world on a personal level. It provides an opportunity to observe the cycles of growth and seasons, fostering a deeper appreciation for the environment.

Stress Relief: The act of gardening is therapeutic and can reduce stress and anxiety. The repetitive task, such as weeding or watering, provide a sense of calm and accomplishment.

Physical Exercise: Digging, planting and weeding involve various muscle groups, making it a full-body workout that doesn’t feel like exercise.

Mental Wellbeing: Cultivating a garden can boost your mood and improve your mental health. Grounding is something that I do as much as I can and this is one way of doing it.

Creative Expression: Gardening is an art form that allows you to express your creativity. I have created some beautiful pots with any different plants of color and texture. The freedom to design and arrange my garden in a way that reflects my personality and style has been fun and heart-warming.

Tips for Creating a Stunning Garden

As the warmer months approach, it’s perfect time to start planning and nurturing your garden or potted plants to create that beautiful oasis.  I decided to use pavers for my backyard and added tons of pots and some hanging Pots to bring in the color and texture. Here are some tips for creating the perfect back patio or garden area:

Choose the Right Location: Pay attention to the sunlight, shade and soil conditions in those pots and your garden. Different plants have different requirements, so choose plants that are suitable for your specific microclimate. Sometimes, its trial and error so don’t beat yourself up to bad.

Select the Right Plants: Choose a mix or variety of plants. I also choose succulents. It has been a pleasure to learn and watch those grow. Best part, it’s the plant that keeps on giving. As you trim back, you can take parts of that plant and regenerate another one.

Watering/Maintenance/Pest Control: Be mindful of your plants watering needs. Trust me, they will tell you if something is wrong. Make sure you deadhead, prune and weed any plants to ensure that nothing is in the way of receiving the water or nutrients that you are providing. Also, use natural methods of pest control if you can, it’s safer for your pets and the environment.

Patience and Observation: Gardening is a long-term endeavor. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and watch. There’s nothing like look, listening and learning from what they have to say. Again, you might have some failures but you will have successes too.

Creating a beautiful garden is a labor of love that requires time, effort and dedication but the rewards, both personal and environmental, are well worth the investment. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or a novice, like myself, the art of gardening offers endless opportunities for creativity and a deeper connection with the natural world. So, roll up your sleeves, put on your gardening gloves, and embark on the journey to create a stunning outdoor oasis that you can enjoy for years to come.

Dog Training

Digging 101

April 27, 2017

Spring has arrived! It’s time to be outside and do some of that yard work. Your dog has offered up his/her services and has provided the ultimate assistance, digging holes. Digging those large, deep holes is not what any homeowner wants but it is a must do for your dog.

Why does your pooch dig holes?

  1. It’s fun! It’s a way to let out all of that cooped up energy. Also, many breeds have those characteristics and are more likely to dig.
  2. They are hiding something! Dogs love hiding their treasures. Those treasures might be your phone, chew toy, food or for some, stolen socks and underwear.
  3. It’s hot outside. Dogs will dig holes under bushes or outdoor furniture to cool down.
  4. They are hunting something! Critters hide in holes. Trust me, if your dog sees a hole, their prey drive will kick in and the hunt is on.
  5. They have scheduled a road trip without you. Escaping from under a fence can happen a time or two. It is important to find out what type of behavior is happening at that time, such as escaping from being in a fenced or confined area or a combination of that and separation anxiety. If you have some concern with regards to this behavior or separation anxiety, please consult a professional dog trainer that specializes in behavior modification.

What can you do to stop digging?

It is important to supervise your dog at all times. With all the pets being stolen right out of their yards nowadays, it is important to keep an eye on them.

With holes that your dog has already dug, you can put chicken wire down on top of the hole and cover the hole with dirt, bark mulch or gravel. Another alternative is placing their poop in the same hole that they continue to dig and cover with dirt. Dogs don’t like playing with their own poop.

Lastly, you can compromise by creating a specific area for your dog to dig. You can fence off a suitable area and replace the topsoil with a heavy sand to make digging easier. You can teach your dog that this is his/her play area and place this behavior on a cue.

Want to make it fun? Each week, you can hide a variety of treats and toys. For example, while your dog is in the house, you can place some toys or treats under the sand in a variety of places. Let your dog out, lead him to his area and say, “Dig”.

For some really cool ideas on how to create a dog-friendly landscape with a little pop of fun, log onto Pinterest. They have really creative ways to make your backyard fun and safe for your dog.

Do you have a designated area for your dog to dig? Please share your photos and ideas. I would love to hear from ya.